Funding boost for regional events

The Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, today announced the successful regional events that have received grants under the 2013 round of the NSW Regional Flagship Events program.

18 December 2012

The program provides one year grants of $10,000 and three year grants totalling $60,000 to support the marketing and advertising of important events and festivals.

“These events showcase NSW’s regional areas in a unique way and encourage interstate and international visitors to explore wonderful tourist destinations across the State,” Mr Souris said.

“Major events and festivals such as Casino Beef Week, Peats Ridge Festival and Snowy Mountains of Music Festival also create local jobs and boost regional

“Tourism is vital to regional areas and the NSW Government through Destination NSW is committed to supporting development programs which will help us to achieve the goal of doubling overnight visitor expenditure to the State by 2020,” Mr Souris said.

“More than 18 million regional overnight visitors contributed over $9 billion to the NSW economy in the 12 months to September 2012.”

Mr Souris said that the Regional Flagship Events program supports high quality events through a competitive grant process. The 2013 round of funding generated 109 Expressions of Interest, from which 64 events were invited to submit a detailed application.

Details of the 37 grant recipients can be found in the attachment below.

More on Regional Flagship Events Program here

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