Statement of Business Ethics

4 May 2018

This Statement of Business Ethics provides guidance for the business sector, other government agencies and non-government organisations when doing business or having other dealings with Destination NSW.

It outlines the ethical values of Destination NSW and what we expect of ourselves, other organisations and individuals when we interact with them.

Destination NSW is a NSW Government Agency. It is governed by the Destination NSW Act 2011. Destination NSW has a Board and its Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the management of the Agency.

Destination NSW incorporates the values of the Government Sector Employment Act into its operations. Destination NSW takes the prevention of fraud and corruption very seriously.

Destination NSW relies on commercial entities (including both government and non-government agencies) and suppliers to assist in delivering on its functions to triple overnight visitor expenditure by 2030 and fulfil its functions as set out in its enabling Act.

For the expenditure of funds by Destination NSW, our procurement practice follows NSW Government procurement guidelines. This includes using NSW State Government contracts, prequalification schemes and market purchasing methods.

In the procurement process, Destination NSW aims to obtain value for money, the best outcomes, provide fairness and the highest standards of governance through the request for quotations/tenders stages, evaluation, contracting and contract management.

The request for quotation and tender documents clearly identify the statement of requirements for potential applicants to lodge an application. Applicants are given equal access to information and opportunities to submit proposals and quotes.

Destination NSW requires its staff and contractors to comply with specific policies during the course of their employment and engagement respectively.

Policies include but are not limited to:

  1. Procurement
  2. Conflicts of interests (perceived or actual)
  3. Use of equipment
  4. Sponsorship
  5. Public and media comments
  6. Gifts and benefits, and
  7. Code of conduct.

Most contractors of Destination NSW are required to review and sign a contract of engagement which has general legal conditions, payment milestones as well as compliance of a “Code of Conduct and Ethics for Contractors and Consultants”. Non-compliance with a contract of engagement may have consequences such as:

  1. Termination of contracts,
  2. Non-payment,
  3. Investigation for corruption,
  4. Loss of future work,
  5. Matters being referred for criminal investigation, and
  6. Loss of reputation.

Staff of Destination NSW require written approval by the Chief Executive Officer to accept secondary employment. Staff must avoid allowing decisions and actions to be influenced by plans for future employment. Former staff cannot use or disclose confidential or sensitive information acquired while working with Destination NSW and the NSW Government.

Members of the public and public officials are encouraged to report suspected corrupt conduct to the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s Website. The NSW Ombudsman is also available as an independent and impartial watchdog. The NSW Ombudsman’s job is to make sure that agencies fulfill their functions properly and improve their delivery of services to the public. Extensive information on reporting processes is available on the websites of ICAC and the NSW Ombudsman.