Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act 2009
On 1 July 2010, new right to information legislation came into effect, replacing the former Freedom of Information law.
The new law:
- creates new rights to information that are designed to meet community expectations of more open and transparent government
- encourages government agencies to proactively release government information.
How can I access government information?
The four pathways open to you to access government information are:
Mandatory Open Access Information
How do applicants make valid formal access applications?
A valid formal application for access to information must:
- Be in writing
- State that it is made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)
- Have an Australian postal address for return correspondence
- Provide enough details to help Destination NSW identify the information the applicant wants
- Enclose the application fee of $30
- Complete and submit an application form
Information about the process, review rights and access to the application form is available on the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website.
Contact us
If you require additional information or wish to lodge an access application, please contact us by emailing or call 02 9931 1111.
You can also write to the:
Right to Information Officer
Destination NSW
Level 2, 88 Cumberland Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Further information regarding lodging an access application is located in the
Destination NSW Agency Information Guide (PDF 209 kb) - pages 9 and 10.
Further information
You can find out more about your right to information and new ways to access NSW Government information on the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website.