GIPA Informal Request

29 October 2020

If government information is not available through the mandatory open access pathway, members of the public have a right to request government information through an informal request process and, should this not work, a GIPA formal request for information process.

The GIPA informal request for information process differs to the formal request for information process in the following ways:

  • GIPA informal requests remove the red tape from disclosing information
  • GIPA informal requests typically do not involve fees or charges
  • if the GIPA informal request for information is declined, there is no legal right to a review

We make every effort to satisfy GIPA informal requests unless, on balance, it would be contrary to the public interest to do so.

If you make a GIPA informal request for information held by us and we determine that disclosing the information is not in the public interest, you will be informed of your right to make a formal access application under the GIPA Act 2009.

Related pages

Access to Information

Mandatory Open Access Information

Proactive Release

GIPA Formal Request