International Market Factsheets

29 February 2016

International Market Consumer Profiles

Destination NSW in partnership with Tourism Australia and other State Tourism Organisations conduct the Consumer Demand Project (CDP) research on key international visitor markets. The CDP looks into how global consumers view Australia and what motivates them to visit. Tourism Australia’s Consumer Profile reports provide information on traveller profile, perceptions and behaviour.

Canada Consumer Profile

China Consumer Profile

France Consumer Profile

Germany Consumer Profile

Hong Kong Consumer Profile

India Consumer Profile

Indonesia Consumer Profile

Japan Consumer Profile

Malaysia Consumer Profile

New Zealand Consumer Profile

Singapore Consumer Profile

South Korea Consumer Profile

USA Consumer Profile

United Kingdom Consumer Profile

International Market Segment Snapshots

International visitors to NSW can be segmented in multiple ways including area of interest, demographics and purpose of trip. To better understand each of these segments, Destination NSW regularly produces profiles on different segments that exist in the NSW visitor economy.
View Market Segments

Other information

Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) and International Visitor Survey (IVS)

Tourism Australia Market Regions Research and Insights