International Markets

4 April 2014

Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publishes monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures information of short-term (under 12 months duration) international visitors to Australia, regardless of age. Overseas arrival data relate to the State of intended stay in Australia while overseas Departure data relate to the State where visitors spent the most time in Australia.

Notes on the OAD data

The ABS rebuilt its OAD data system to improve data quality. To preserve the time series, the ABS revised OAD data back from July 2004 onwards. This change impacted the OAD and the International Visitor Survey time series as international visitor estimates are benchmarked on the OAD data. January 2014 OAD results are the first to be based on the revised OAD methodology.

In February 2018, the ABS identified data quality issues affecting visitor arrivals data extending as far back as July 2017. The ABS has now revised the OAD time series. OAD reports from year ended March 2018 include revised arrivals and departure data from July 2017 onwards. 

Latest OAD

OAD September 2023 (PDF 246 kb)

Archived OAD

August 2023 | July 2023 | June 2023 | May 2023 | April 2023 | March 2023 | February 2023 | January 2023 | December 2022 | November 2022 | October 2022 | September 2022

International Visitor Survey (IVS)

Tourism Research Australia conducts quarterly International Visitor Surveys of departing short-term (under 12 months duration) international visitors aged 15 years and over.

The IVS Snapshot provides the total international visitation to New South Wales. It covers visitor numbers, nights and expenditure as well as country of origin, purpose of visit, demographics, top activities, transport and accommodation statistics.

Notes on the International Visitor Survey (IVS) data

International visitor statistics are sourced from TRA’s IVS. Recent changes to Overseas arrivals data has led TRA to revise IVS estimates in the December 2018 data release. The revisions focus on purpose-of-visit estimates, with minimal change to visitor, nights and spend estimates.

Care should be taken when comparing current IVS data with previously published data.
Tourism Research Australia (TRA) has advised Destination NSW that IVS data to YE Dec 2022 is not publishable due to the inclusion of partially imputed data. Imputed data is inferred data which is not fit for analysis purposes at granular levels. As the sample is still mixed with imputed data it cannot be published beyond state level visitor, nights and expenditure.
TRA has advised that March 2023 quarter will be the first full quarter of collected sample, and as such the first quarter of publishable data. This means that it will take until YE Dec 23 to collect a full 12 months of data. As a result, prior period comparisons for full IVS reporting will not recommence until mid 2024. 

Latest IVS

International Travel to NSW (IVS) Snapshot June 2023 (PDF 171 kb)

International Travel to NSW Time Series December 2020 (PDF 246 kb)

Archived IVS Snapshots

Mar 2023 | Dec 2022 | Sept 2022 | June 2022 | March 2022 | December 2021 | September 2021 | June 2021 | March 2021 | December 2020 | September 2020 | June 2020 | March 2020 | December 2019

Archived IVS Time Series

September 2020 | June 2020 | March 2020 | December 2019

International market profiles

The international market profiles provide snapshot and time series visitation information from each country market to New South Wales. It also reports on each country market’s purpose of travel, demographics, travel party, places visited, top activities, accommodation and transport used.

 Country Snapshot (PDF files) Time Series (PDF files)
China Canada Canada Snapshot September 2020 Canada Time Series December 2020
China China China Snapshot September 2020 China Time Series December 2020
France France Snapshot September 2020 France Time Series December 2020
Germany Germany Snapshot September 2020 Germany Time Series December 2020
Hong Kong Hong Kong Snapshot September 2020 Hong Kong Time Series December 2020
India India India Snapshot September 2020 India Time Series December 2020
Indonesia Indonesia Snapshot September 2020 Indonesia Time Series December 2020
Japan Japan Japan Snapshot September 2020 Japan Time Series December 2020
Malaysia Malaysia Snapshot September 2020 Malaysia Time Series December 2020
New Zealand New Zealand NZ Snapshot September 2020 NZ Time Series December 2020
Singapore Singapore Singapore Snapshot September 2020 Singapore Time Series December 2020
South Korea South Korea Snapshot September 2020 South Korea Time Series December 2020
Taiwan Flag Taiwan Taiwan Snapshot September 2020 Taiwan Time Series December 2020
United Kingdom UK UK Snapshot September 2020 UK Time Series December 2020
United States of America USA USA Snapshot September 2020 USA Time Series December 2020

Other information

International Market Factsheets
International Market Segments