Mandatory Open Access Information

29 October 2020

The GIPA Act 2009 requires NSW government agencies to make certain types of government information publicly available, unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. This information is called “open access information”.

Section 18 of the GIPA Act and section 5(2) of the GIPA Regulation identifies types of open access information that government agencies are required to make available to the public.

Agency Information Guide

Our Agency Information Guide (PDF 417 kb) describes:

  • our functions and structure
  • how our functions affect members of the public
  • how members of the public can participate in the formulation of Destination NSW’s policy
  • the types of government information we hold
  • the types of information that we make available to the public, and how
    the fees and charges that will need to be paid to access different types of information

Policy Documents

Our policy documents guide our decisions, actions, and procedures in fulfilling our public functions. Details on Destination NSW’s policy documents are located in our Agency Information Guide (PDF 417 kb).

Disclosure Log

A disclosure log is a record containing details of government information already released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). A disclosure log is part of the open access information that agencies are required to make available and is a requirement under Section 25 of the GIPA Act.

Destination NSW has determined that the information referred to in its Disclosure Log (PDF 657 kb) may be of interest to other members of the public.

Please note that the disclosure log lists the information requested at the time and may not be the most up-to-date version of the information.

For access to any of the information listed in the disclosure log below, please contact the Right to Information Officer at

Latest Destination NSW Information Access Applications Disclosure Log (PDF 646 kb)

Contract Register

We must record and publish certain information about contracts entered into with private sector organisations that have a contract value of $150,000 or more.

Details of each contract must be entered into the register within 45 working days of coming into effect, and must remain on the register for 30 days or until the contract is complete, whichever is longer.

A link to Destination NSW’s Contracts is available at

Class 3 Contracts

We must publish a copy of all contracts classified as Class 3 contracts under the GIPA Act. You can view our Class 3 contracts here.

Documents tabled in Parliament

For documents tabled in Parliament about Destination NSW (other than documents tabled in response to a parliamentary order), please go to the NSW Parliamentary website.

Record of Open Access Information not publicly available

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 NSW requires all agencies to make available, free of charge on their websites, their “open access information”.

However, there is an overriding obligation under the Act not to publish any specific “open access information” if there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of that particular information.

Whenever Destination NSW decides that particular “open access information” should not be publicly available, a record of the decision is made.

Destination NSW has not made a decision that there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of any of its open access information. Should such a decision be made it will be recorded here.

Advertising Compliance Certificates

Compliance certificate for Paid Search July – September 2023 (PDF 73 kb)

Compliance certificate - FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 (PDF 142 kb)

Compliance Certificate for DNSW Always On Events March - June 2023 Extension (PDF 30 kb)

Destination NSW Advertising Compliance Certificates – Feel New Co-operative Marketing Program – 2022 (PDF 541 kb)

Destination NSW Advertising Compliance Certificate – Destination NSW x National Parks and Wildlife Service Co-operative Marketing Campaign – 2022 (PDF 99 kb)

Destination NSW Advertising Compliance Certificates – Border Recovery Campaigns 2023 (PDF 50 kb)

Destination NSW Advertising Compliance Certificate - Destination NSW x Caravan and Camping Industry Association NSW Co-operative Marketing Campaign – 2023 (PDF 54 kb)

UK Compliance Certificate for FNS International Campaign - 2023 (PDF 95 kb)

USA Compliance Certificate for FNS International Campaign - 2023 (PDF 159 kb)

India Compliance Certificate for FNS International Campaign - 2023 (PDF 95 kb)

Compliance Certificate for Destination NSW Great Southern Nights advertising campaign

Property Disposal List

Destination NSW has zero number and zero value of properties during the previous financial year.

Related pages

Access to Information

Proactive Release

GIPA Formal Request

GIPA Informal Request