NSW centre stage at tourism expo

Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, has congratulated local tourism operators for their involvement in the largest tourism exchange in the Southern Hemisphere, which finished in Sydney today.

30 April 2013

Known as the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE), it has allowed NSW destinations to promote themselves to the international travel industry.

“This year the ATE has attracted more than 2,280 delegates including travel buyers, Australian sellers and international travel media. The ATE provides a valuable forum for NSW tourism operators to showcase their product, meet overseas contacts and negotiate business deals.   

“More than 725 international buyers have attended, from 47 countries. NSW products have been centre stage for all four days of the Exchange, and we look forward to reaping the benefits of this exposure,” Mr Souris said. 

The annual event run by Tourism Australia is co-hosted this year in Sydney by Destination NSW, the NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency.   

“In addition to the business generated during exhibition we expect the ATE to generate around $13.4 million for the State, with around 10,000 visitor nights being spent in Sydney over the event. 

“Tourism is now worth more than $20 billion a year and directly employing almost 160,000 people. It is an industry which is a major plank in the Government’s plans to boost the State’s economy with the aim of doubling overnight visitor expenditure by 2020. Events such as the ATE are crucial in helping us reach this goal.” Mr Souris said. 

Destination NSW CEO, Sandra Chipchase said, “This is the second time in two years that Destination NSW has hosted the ATE, and our local sellers have again profiled their world-class products to a global audience. While a significant amount of business is done at ATE, delegates have also experienced the best that Sydney and NSW has in store for visitors to our State including our sensational food and wine.” 

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