Legally Blonde the musical set to paint Sydney pink

Destination NSW CEO Sandra Chipchase today joined Co-Producers John Frost and Stephen Found to announce the cast of the Australian premiere of Legally Blonde the musical, set to open at Sydney's Lyric Theatre, The Star on October 4, 2012.

6 March 2012
“Today I’m very pleased to join the Producers to announce an all-star cast.

“The coveted lead role of Australia’s Elle Woods has gone to Lucy Durack, best known as the good witch Glinda from the blockbuster musical Wicked,” Ms Chipchase said.

Playing alongside Durack will be Rob Mills in the role of Warner and David Harris as Emmett. Well known Australian and international fashion model Erika Heynatz will play the role of Brooke Wyndam and Cameron Daddo is returning to play Professor Callaghan.

“With such an outstanding cast, Legally Blonde is certainly going to be a crowd pleaser, entertaining audiences over many months.

Ms Chipchase said Sydney is back on top as the musicals capital of Australia.

“Sydney has re-emerged as the number one city for first run musicals in Australia and is fast becoming a city that producers worldwide are choosing to premiere their musicals.

“Sydney is the perfect home for the Australian premiere of Legally Blonde.

“This year is shaping up to be a very big year for musical theatre on the NSW Events Calendar.

“We have just enjoyed the Australian premiere of Annie, we have the world premiere of An Officer and a Gentleman in May and then the Australian premiere of Legally Blonde.

“At Destination NSW we are working hard on a musicals strategy to ensure Sydney is the number one city for first run musicals in Australia. Like many others I’m looking forward to welcoming Legally Blonde to Australia’s leading tourism and events city,” she said.

Co-Producer John Frost said we are thrilled to be opening Legally Blonde in Sydney.

“This is a high energy, award winning show and it is a great fit for Sydney,” he said.

Ms Chipchase said Destination NSW estimates that internationally renowned musicals can generate close to $20 million over a six month run in direct economic impact for NSW.

“Musicals are a clear economic driver and enhance the cultural life of the city. They hold a clear place on the NSW Events Calendar that is quickly becoming one of the best events calendars in the world.

“We will ensure that Sydney, the gateway to Australia and NSW, remains number one when it comes to securing and hosting major events in Australia,” Ms Chipchase said.

Contact: Kate Pembroke, Destination NSW, 0408 486 404

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