New training on offer for NSW tourism industry

Tourism businesses across NSW will be offered workshops to help develop promote and sell their products to visitors from across Australia and the world.

14 June 2018

Minister for Tourism and Major Events, and Assistant Minister for Skills Adam Marshall said the NSW Government is committed to providing tourism businesses with expert advice to ensure they continue to grow.

“The NSW First Program offers the NSW tourism industry the tools and knowledge needed to gain a competitive edge, and we’re delighted to announce that this year’s Program has been expanded to include more workshops and more webcasts, which can be accessed by industry 24/7,” Mr Marshall said.

“We’ve consulted with our six Destination Networks across the State and heard their ideas for upskilling our tourism businesses and growing the visitor economy in NSW.

“We have created a statewide Program that now includes a new Tourism Manager Forum and Tourism Development Workshop to help build product development capacity across rural and regional NSW.

“We know that our local businesses are great champions for their region and we want to make sure that we continue to support them on areas such as regional conferencing, international markets and social media.”

NSW First Program focuses on market-ready product development and the expansion of export-ready products

Since launching the Program in 2013, the NSW Government has delivered 80 workshops and 19 webinars and webcasts, which collectively, have attracted more than 3,400 participants.

32 face-to-face workshops and 11 new on-demand webcasts will be delivered for NSW tourism businesses in 2018-19.

To view the full 2018-19 NSW First Program and to register, visit

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