Sydney secures ‘Alexander the Great’ exhibition

Blockbuster exhibition Alexander the Great: 2000 Years of Treasures, has been secured exclusively for Sydney at the Australian Museum from November 2012 with the support of NSW Government through Destination NSW.

9 March 2012
Alexander the Great: 2000 Years of Treasures is the largest collection from the acclaimed State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg ever to tour Australia.

Destination NSW CEO, Sandra Chiphase said you don’t need to travel to Italy, Egypt or Greece for the world’s best historical exhibits - you can experience them right here in Australia's only global city - Sydney.

"Alexander the Great created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the time he was 30 years old, and remains one of history's most important figures.

"His accomplishments and influence on culture, religion and military strategy changed the world, and the exhibition will offer a unique and fascinating insight into those achievements.

"The exhibition will feature over 400 priceless objects, spanning more than 2000 years - many seen in Australia for the first time, and all exclusive to Sydney,” she said.

Alexander the Great: 2000 Years of Treasures will celebrate the man, the legend and the legacy of one of history’s most enigmatic and important figures through objects and works of art.

The original exhibition opened to critical acclaim in 2007 at the Hermitage St Petersburg, and was seen by over 200,000 visitors at the Hermitage Amsterdam in 2010-2011.

Ms Chipchase said events such as this are not just about connecting people to this magnificent chapter of history, they are a vital part of building the state's economy, now and into the future.

"Destination NSW on behalf of the NSW Government is committed to staging the nation’s leading events calendar - including a world-beating roster of cultural events.

"The announcement today underlines Destination NSW’s strategy to secure annual Sydney-exclusive international blockbuster exhibitions with broad appeal.

“Attracting major events supports our strategic approach of bringing the best events - be they sporting, lifestyle or cultural and driving economic benefit for the State.

“Sydney is the perfect home for such an important, family-friendly exhibition.

Alexander the Great: 2000 Years of Treasures is a fantastic addition to the 2012 NSW Events Calendar.

“Destination NSW worked with the Australian Museum to secure this world-class and Sydney-exclusive exhibition.

"Not only will Alexander the Great: 2000 Years of Treasures bring history to life for Sydneysiders but this “only in Sydney” exhibition will attract visitors from around Australia and across the Asia Pacific region,” she said.

Media Contact: Kate Pembroke, Destination NSW, 0408 486 404

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